Flea control

Fleas are the most common external parasite known to infest our pets. Fleas are wingless insects that survive by feeding on blood. 
Fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood. This is especially dangerous to young puppies and kittens as they can become anemic fast. 
Pets can be allergic to flea saliva. This can lead to very uncomfortable reaction called "flea allergy dermatitis.” Did you know that tapeworms come from ingesting a flea?
To prevent flea infestations, administering monthly flea control is very important. Make sure to thoroughly clean your house, including bedding, rugs, upholstery and hard wood floors. Lawn treatments are also widely available if you see reinfestations after being outdoors. Remember, fleas like to hide in dark, moist areas. 
Fleas are one of the top concerns for our clients. Contact us for an exam to help you determine what flea control product would suit your pet best. 
Remember to use flea control the same time every month, even if there are no signs of fleas. It's much easier to prevent an infestation then it is to get rid of it. 

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